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What about roleplaying?

All systems on litphoria are built with the end goal of facilitating roleplay, as well as making said roleplay easier to manage.
To help with that, roleplay on litphoria has a different life cycle than you might expect coming from other sites, particularly forums or chat-based sites. To start with, all roleplays on litphoria start as roleplay ideas.

roleplay ideas and ads

  • First, an inspiration for a roleplay idea occurs. As an example, will we say we got the idea to have a survival-horror story set in the woods.
  • We go to whatever character profile we want to use this idea with. After going into edit mode, we then scroll down to the roleplays and ideas section.
  • We hit new idea and begin typing in our inspiration into the small form that appears. For us, this would look something like The Woods take more and more lives every year, yet people still go to them. What happens when two cocky kids get lost in it?
  • Now we name this inspiration. No Way Out from The Woods works well for us.
  • After saving our profile, the idea is saved on the server. If we have other ideas we want to jot down, we can hit add new idea and keep adding more.
  • Later on, when we're in the mood to do some writing, we'll look at one of the ideas we created by visiting one of our profiles and scrolling down to the roleplay ideas section.
  • After we click on the name of the idea we want to flesh out, we'll have to edit the idea by hitting the edit link. There we can fill out the setting and interests.
  • At this point, our idea functions well as an advertisement for roleplay. Other users can view our profile and see what we want to play with using this character.
You may have noticed when editing a roleplay idea that it actually takes you to a roleplay page. This is because roleplay ideas are just an extension of roleplays themselves, a quick way to let you jot down what excites you. This means when someone find your idea and wishes to bounce ideas off of you, they needn't even compose a new private message or send you an e-mail or make a new forum post - they can talk directly to you, about the roleplay, right there on the roleplay idea itself!

roleplay staging

  • When a roleplay is created, it is created in the staging status. All this status indicates is everything is still being set up.
  • As people search for ideas that jive with them and come across yours, eventually someone will open a dialog with you about the roleplay.
  • At this point, if you've set up your settings and interests well, they already have a pretty solid idea of what you're expecting and want out of the play, and even have a setting post to work off of.
  • Regardless, soon you'll find people to play with the idea and it progress into the next stage of roleplay: in progress

in progress roleplay

  • When actually roleplaying, litphoria presents you with two similar yet distinct ways to realize your roleplays.
  • A standard roleplay most resembles a forum. Posts to it are kept forever, and any new posts to the roleplay generate new notifications in your inbox.
  • A chat roleplay most resembles an IM chat client. Posts to it are kept only for 24 hours or 100 posts, whichever comes first. Other posts to a chat do not generate new notifications in your inbox.
  • Either one will allow you and everyone else to roleplay as they wish. Both can be updated live, with chats connecting to live mode as the page loads, and standard roleplays connecting by hitting connect to roleplay session just above the text entry box.
  • Either one can also be posted to without being connected to it and updating live, which is useful for poor Internet connection or phones.
  • Posts can also either be IC or OOC. These are mostly the same, except OOC posts can be filtered away to only view IC stuff later on, if you're reviewing the roleplay or reading it.
  • You can also add dice rolls to your posts!

finished roleplay

  • After a roleplay has been concluded, you can elect to make it public (if it was previously private) and let it sit on your profile as a kind of resume.
  • It will give visitors to your profile --- potential partners --- insight as to your writing style and your interests.
  • For this reason, it is recommended you have at least a roleplay or two made public after it is concluded.
  • If you make them public, people will still be able to find them by the interests and ads you tagged to it - so people just looking for a good read might come across your profile and find a new person to play with to boot! How nice is that?
  • Either way, you will be able to find the roleplay by going to any character that was involved with it. Roleplays are organized by their characters.