
Privacy Policy

Last updated February 6th, 2015

Litphoria takes your privacy very seriously. We require some data from you to set up your account and enable to use the site. As all of your uploaded materials are hosted on our servers, we'd like you to know how this data is handled.

  • IP addresses are stored for 1 week (7 days) per request to our servers. The site uses 3rd party tools to track and gather statistical data. This collected data is not able to be traced to your account and is purely for statical and site health measuring.
  • Your account information is not shared with any other users or other third parties. Your e-mail address, once verified, will be used to send confirmations and helpful notifications about activity on the site. For example, your e-mail address may be used to notify you that your account's password has been reset.
  • Your profile information (provided it is made public) is exposed through the site's API and can be viewed by anyone.
  • Any writing or content you submit to the site is only maintained for as long as you keep it there. Some content on the site can be deleted at your whim, but deleting content in areas like roleplays request consent of all involved.
  • Regular backups are made of the site's database in case of catastrophe, and these are held for 1 week (7 days). Therefore, it may take up to 7 days before any information you request to be deleted to be completely removed from the site's logs and servers.
  • Your private writing and content are not shared with any third parties. However, it may be periodically scanned to ensure the site is not being used for illegal activities, and your private content may be exposed to us for review if another user reports that your content is breaking the site's rules.
  • You may request a deletion of your account and data relating to it. This process may be delayed if your account is currently being investigated for breaching this agreement or other site rules, and data such as roleplay posts may only be anonymized, instead of completely deleted.

Your information is safe and secure with us. Content you upload is logged and backed-up for one week. You may request a closure of your account.