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Redesigns: Main Page, Roleplay Ads

profile avatar Wrecked Avent

Hey all!

I have just pushed out a site theme update, which, among other things, overhauls the appearance of the site's main page. This page has new functionality, listing much more than the previous page did, in a much more compact way.

Active public roleplays, chats, and ads from people who have visited the site recently now appear on the main page. Per how this was suggested and framed to me, this should hopefully encourage more people to check out these things - now that the links for them are smacking them right in the face, anyway!

I've also changed how roleplay ads in general work (ideas). Before, they were organized just like roleplays proper, meaning by activity by them. This was undesirable for older users, as their ads would never really get surfaced unless you restricted ads by people who were online recently. While this was possible, it was inconvenient, and acted as a kind of punished for people who were around for a while. Oops!

Now ads are sorted by profile activity. Don't worry if you sign in and don't see yours bump up immediately - I've cached it ever-so-slightly, and will probably increase the cache at some point, so the page remains snappy no matter how many users we have. Duplicates are also no longer shown --- I am still working on a way to let you cycle ads you want around, but for now, only the most recent one will show.

I've also done a lot of tweaks to the site's style here and there!

That's all for now.