"A monster? Why, I much prefer the term Prince, thank you very much.
The Guardian Wolf/Dm to Rp , I take any(Might not be on for the summer)
A druggie with a far-off rockstar dream.
"I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd. Different things. Don´t make the mistake again.¨
Kawakiken is a fluffy white fox and is cheerful about almost everything.
Vampy Goth Girl!
An ex-soldier of a defunct warring alien race, now looking for self-worth.
Pseudo-anarchist and troublemaker, general nuisance.
A dimension hopper with a heart of gold, yet naive and curious about the universes available regardless if they're good or bad.
A 6'1" friendly guy with a nerdy disposition, and a love for the simple things in life (Open for RP! PM me)
Star-crossed Ecaflip with a love for food, a proclivity to finding trouble, feline biased & a weakness for thicc, human women.
I'm the Avatar, and you gotta deal with it!
D-don't stare at it...!
A very grumpy and ratty derivative of Sans.
New here! Cheking out what RPs I can work on with the nerdy flexible Zoe~
I’d prefer it if we rped on Discord!!! :}
Gag me on a dick 'til I puke jizz!~ Face-fucked to death!
Flower of Burgony, Maid of Montegron--Envied and coveted by many, only one will ever lay true claim to her hand and soul.
Oh you want a description of this character? Try again later.
A Drolf looking for friends and fun!
6'5'' tall, Goth, Ebony, Shebull
A version of Kanie I've been roleplaying for almost fifteen years now.
A young 19 year old, submissive, virgin, innocent