Colleen Harmon_
Born in 1997, Colleen Harmon was a child prodigy. With her parents’ enthusiastic help, she developed way past her peers academically, especially in math and science. In 2005, she was invited to do research at NASA. This started out as a gimmick but she published several ground-breaking results in the fields of computational compression and information theory. In 2010, at the tender age of 13, Colleen graduated from CalTech with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. The next year, she got a second degree, this time in Physics, which was followed by a Masters in Physics in 2012 from MIT as she worked towards her PhD. She was working on her dissertation on quantum computing in 2014 when she had a mental breakdown and vanished from the academic community.
That’s the official story, anyway.
What really happened is that while investigating the intricacies of the smallest known particles, she touched something even deeper, something even more true. The Supernal Realm, in the form of the Music of the Spheres, where the ethereal music didn’t just measure time, it was Time itself. Now Awake, she panicked. She fled academia, giving up her ascendant career to search for hints of that Music once more.
A couple months later of being continually reeled in by her family and law enforcement, she made a deal with a spirit to make her different from before. However, she didn’t word it well, and she ended up with neon pink hair and male genitals. In addition, the spirit put an onus on her that she has to fulfill: experience life and share some of those memories with it.
Now she’s couchsurfing her away across the country, a punk groupie looking for hints of the music, her only goal in mind–other the complete avoidance of all responsibility–to understand what she experienced. Fortunately, she met someone, Free Council Mage named Briar Briar who helped her understand what was going on a little better before she shot herself in the foot magically (again). She gave Harmon a tent and has appeared and disappeared like a gypsy fortuneteller out of a story several times. Harmon uses the tent she carries around to sleep in, but prefers to sleep in comfy houses when she can, and isn’t above seducing someone for a chance at a night in a warm bed, with breakfast thrown in to boot.
She had sex once as a true female, and gave a couple of blowjobs, but she’s yet to use her new equipment for anything other than masturbation. She has gone down on a few guys and girls here and there since the change, but is still too chicken to go any further.
What’s the most hubristic thing your character has ever done?
Harmon worked hard to get into college as early as she could, just to prove how smart she was.
What is the worst Paradox they’ve seen?
What about magic scares them the most?
Harmon is mot scared by how easily a powerful Mage could subvert reality’s systems for their own goals.
What would you do to achieve your goals?
Harmon would work as hard as she could to achieve her goals, even if the goal in mind is to not work at all.
What’s the worst you can imagine someone else doing?
The worst thing Harmon can imagine someone doing is murder.
Aspirations & Obsessions
• Meet a supernatural creature!
• Convince Sam, the ghost of Eagelton park, to come with her
• Get laid.
• Convince Sam to have sex with her.
• Find a way to tell Sam that Harmon was asked to get her out of the park.
• Find a way to thank Frank Burton for his hospitality.
• Learn more about Lemony and her inventions.
• Get Lemony’s help to make some sort of container for Sam’s fingerbone.
• Find someone from another Path, make friends, and discuss differences (Obsession).
• Leave Frank with some hope that there’s life after divorce.
Sexual Characteristics
Harmon has been “gifted” with some unusual genitals as part of a terrible bargain she made with a spirit. She does her best to keep them tucked away, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that she’s anything but normal. Her uncut penis is of average size, just shy of six inches long erect and one and a half inches diameter. However, her balls are together almost the size of a ripe apple. They’re large enough that holding them with one hand would be awkward, but possible, and two hands would be quite cozy. The balls are devoid of wrinkles and seem to be plump and smooth with a tautness to them as if they were full–which they are. Giving them a squeeze produces a bit of give and Harmon feels an intense burst of lust, squirting out a jet of precum with every squeeze. Her pubic hair only grows in a soft fur-like tuft just above the crotch, but her genitals are almost always covered in a slightly sticky layer of sweat, often being described as ‘slimy’ when she starts to perspire down there. Because she works hard to keep them hidden and nestled out of sight, her groin almost always smells as if she’s unwashed, exuding a distinct odor. In addition, if she hasn’t come recently, even soft, her cock dribbles precum, adding to the lewd odors.
Harmon’s breasts are B cups, with small areola and nipples. Her nipples have barbell piercings through them, and tugging or flicking the piercings usually hardens her nipples immediately.