Owner of a perverse angled "Jurassic Park"
A country boy confused by the big city
this is a test im new here ok
Small-time conspiracy host and investigator, spiderly trans gal.
Cyborg criminal with a heart of gold
Media student sending more time sleeping around than studying
A young girl escaped from her bucolic village to study the Hongmoon Fighting Arts.
A charismatic flirt machine with developing alcoholism.
A menacing big dog with more behind the curtains than he likes to show.
Major Trasheater.
A notorious and unbalanced doctor.
A young kevarian out to explore.
Ronso Exile
Street Rat to Sultan
Zero to Hero
Zero to Hero
Half Dressed Gorilla Hero
Prince of the Gerudos
God of Love
God of the Nile
King of the Britons
King of the Pridelands
Protector of Earth
Demon Sorceror of Fire