The most powerful superhero, though not the most righteous.
Modern black slave girl
A pegasus born out of a gorgeous granite statue and love.
Friendly, feisty drake.
A young vlogger/streamer, craving more intimate attention
A third generation super hero that the public believes lives forever.
Ul'dahn Miqo'te with a troubled past and a penchant for misadventure.
Six armed nagamew explorer.
They say Dragons are a dying breed..
A monster, someone found in the darkest recesses of a cave.
Just goofy, strap on wearing, goofy loli
The Cat of Gotham
Grand Couturier of the Revocs Corporation
The blind avatar
The Daughter of Satan, the Slave of the Master
A Hyur Mildander wandered in the world of Eorzea
A space-age witch hunter who, despite his station, loves to push the limits of his power.
Extraordinary Explorer Extraordinaire
An amateur summoner with social issues.
A disgusting creature.
A powerful business woman, troubleshooter. ( shadowrun setting Ms. Johnson). Hidden side as Domina.
Drug-suppressed nymphomaniacal teen
a leader gem that was once lost in the war.
precious sewing child
Geeky virgin scientist in love with space.