An unlucky necromantress
Noble bastardess, ex-assassin and renowned burgler
Demon blankted in Feathers
The capricious spirit of chaos and disharmony!
A shy and reserved nerd, who tries to conform to the norm, but is bound to discover his emotional, sensual and kinky side
Rawrf! I'm a Growlithe! If you wanna get to know me, we'll have to hang out~
Depraved mind, young body, experienced technique, and old ideals.
An artisan, who brings to life his creations.
Time traveling swordsman with amnesia
A hero doing hero things.
A sizable, mischievous, and affectionate border collie who loves to write.
A nimbat larger than life who acts as such.
An angel-y...sort of thing?
Royal siren of the seven seas
A black cat that enjoys playing around, with a dabbling in magic!
Huntress in training from the animated web series, RWBY.
Ice Cream Villain for the online hit series RWBY! Also favorably considered to be mute by most.
The nymph Universe Jumper
Freelance wolf, looking to make his way in life however that maybe.
Once human, now a good majority bison
Defiant, proud, but ultimately vanquished.
An ageless crocodile with a gentlemanly demeanor and plenty of wisdom to spread.
A gem-human hybrid with a crush on a girl named Connie.
A wannabe phownix warrior. Eight years old and eager to learn, but there is a mature look to her eyes.