A golden-haired girl with a great rack looking for a great time with great power and skill.
Snow leopard soldier in the Gene Age.
Your local insane businessman.
A group of ancient Immortal warriors
Kate is a young, playful, high-spirited Tigress.
Lorem ipsum, bebe.
Something interesting. Hm.
Young innocent elven mage
A researcher obsessed with the opposite sex
A base profile to get started. Aiming for versatility.
A lone wanderer seeking companionship, fortune and adventure.
Just your friendly neighborhood carnie that may or may not be a drug addict.
A melancholy girl of a fading people, troubled by a growing hunger
Daughter of Eldarion, Princess of the Reunited Kingdom, Lady of the House of Telcontar
An android equipped with the best technology, to deal with threats the military cannot, one way or another.
An elf-boy not even slightly as innocent as he appears
Incubus King and Demon Lord of Lust
Warhams 40k psyker genius special snowflake space marine.
A pretty sort of geek, occupied with science and technology, preoccupied with youth and sex
Main protag of Touhou Project. Lazy Shrine Maiden
Reclusive Tengu that works hard on her newspaper.
Psychic teenager with anger issues, no she can't read your mind. (She's not generic I swear!)
Sociopathic fallen archangel of death.
A goat-like lady with a golden heart and a thick skull.
A veteran adventuring wizard.